Monday, January 9, 2012

Abortion: when is a human a human? Should a woman have the right to her body when pregnant?

A human is a human at a certain stage of the pregnancy. I believe we do indeed have a right to have a say to whether we want the thing growing inside us to live or not since we are the ones who have to carry it got nine months then pop it out. There are also cirstances where you have to get rid of the baby for mental reasons or other health reasons. What if the woman who is pregnant was d and that's the only reason she has that child in her? She did not want to engage in that ual activity and if she were to keep it, the baby would be a constant reminder of her attack. What if the woman who is carrying the baby wants the baby but is at high risk for death if she has that child? There are many things to look at before you can blame the people who want to get rid of the child. But I do agree with you. If you choose to do things that make you get pregnant and you are physically able to give birth you should at least let the baby have life.


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