Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Went into wrong locker room on the fist day of school?

2nd day of school freshman year. Got gym lockers and change. Go to gym. All grades are in same gym period. We have different activities which is the only one indoors. I get to leave a few minutes early while most people talk. I want to get to my next cl on time b/c i dont really know the school. Somoene switched the locker room signs. I enter the boys one which looks the same and no one is there. I get naked and take a shower. It is an open area with sprinklers, so if someone else is taking a shower or going to their locker can see. A group of boy's walks in. They see me naked. See my clothes off to the side and the stuffing in my C bra and my real A size. Dozens of boys grope me, look at me, and after 10 minutes i escape naked into the hall. Hared more and on the where i get jumped on and molested. Gave up against seniors who just touched me until a teacher came. I am now the joke of the school and not even "hot" because i don't have a "package." What should I do?


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